Thank you for coming to this page on our website to learn more about how to support your child in math at home. If you are interested in a topic, the files and videos are linked by placing your cursor over the title.
1. Please consider looking through the Home Connections in Mathematics files. These pages are published by our TVDSB Mathematics Learning Coordinators and will be updated monthly:
Addition Strategies That Make Sense
Supporting Understanding of Multiplication and Division
Supporting Understanding of Fractions
Online Supports
2. If you are looking to learn about the progression of Number Sense through the grades, please select the topic of your choice below and watch the videos made by Graham Fletchy:
Early Numbers and Counting Principles
Addition and Subtraction
3. Resources to support your child/ren in grade/age specific ways from Kindergarten all the way to Grade 8 can be found below, provided by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education.
Count Together: Kindergarten
Making it Count Gr 1,2,3
Counting Ahead Gr 4,5,6
Countless Opportunities Gr 7 & 8
4. If you are looking for more ways to strengthen your own knowledge and understanding of math content in Ontario schools as well as confidently support your child’s learning in mathematics, please CLICK HERE.